Rapid rehousing program uses Executive Pacific Hotel to shelter 139 people nightly

The Executive Pacific Hotel in Seattle has recently been reopened to provide shelter for 139 homeless individuals per night as part of the city’s rapid rehousing program. This program aims to assist those experiencing homelessness by offering them a stable and safe place to stay while connecting them with supportive services. By utilizing the hotel, the program aims to tackle homelessness in a more efficient and effective manner, moving individuals out of temporary shelters and into more sustainable housing options. The program has already made a significant impact on the homeless population, and it continues to work towards providing long-term solutions for those in need.


Seattle’s Executive Pacific Hotel has recently re-opened its doors to provide shelter for the homeless population in the city. This initiative is a part of the rapid rehousing program, which aims to address housing instability and move individuals into permanent housing. The program is a collaborative effort with the schoolteam ministry and local housing institutions, with the goal of providing stable services for homeless individuals and families.

Description of Rapid Rehousing Program

The rapid rehousing program utilizes the Executive Pacific Hotel to provide shelter for 139 people every night. This program is a key component of Seattle’s strategy to address homelessness and aims to move individuals out of homelessness and into permanent housing. The program works closely with the schoolteam ministry, which refers individuals to stay at the hotel. The ultimate goal of the program is to connect people with stable housing options and provide them with the necessary support to maintain housing stability.

Overview of the Executive Pacific Hotel

The Executive Pacific Hotel is located in downtown Seattle and has the capacity to accommodate over 100 residents. The hotel has been repurposed to serve as a homeless shelter during the pandemic, highlighting its flexibility as a resource for the community. By utilizing the hotel’s facilities, the rapid rehousing program is able to provide a safe and comfortable temporary housing solution for those in need.

Population Served by the Rapid Rehousing Program

The rapid rehousing program provides assistance to homeless individuals and families in Seattle. The program primarily focuses on those living on the streets, who are among the most vulnerable populations. By targeting this specific group, the program aims to address the immediate needs of individuals who are at risk due to homelessness and provide them with the necessary resources to transition out of homelessness.

Collaboration with Local Housing Institutions

The rapid rehousing program has established a partnership with the Logicam Housing Institute to create additional shelter space for the homeless population in Seattle. This collaboration allows for an increased capacity to accommodate individuals who require temporary housing. Furthermore, the partnership with local housing institutions facilitates the connection between program participants and stable housing options, ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness.

Challenges and Successes of the Program

One of the main challenges faced by the rapid rehousing program is the impact of the pandemic on homelessness. The pandemic has exacerbated housing instability in many communities, making it even more difficult to address homelessness effectively. However, the program has been successful in providing adequate support and resources to program participants, resulting in successful transitions into permanent housing for many individuals.

Impact on the Homeless Community

The rapid rehousing program has had a significant positive impact on the homeless community in Seattle. By providing shelter and support services, the program has improved living conditions and stability for many individuals. Program participants have provided positive feedback, acknowledging the effectiveness of the program in helping them overcome homelessness. The program’s impact is recognized not only by the individuals it serves but also by the broader community.

The Role of Advocacy and Support Services

Local advocacy organizations play a crucial role in the rapid rehousing program. These organizations are involved in advocating for the needs of the homeless population and ensuring that essential services and resources are provided. Through collaboration with community partners, the program is able to offer a comprehensive range of support services, including case management, mental health services, and job training, to address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness.

Future Plans and Sustainability

The rapid rehousing program has plans for expansion to further increase its capacity to address homelessness in Seattle. With long-term goals of addressing homelessness, the program aims to provide ongoing support and resources to the homeless population. The continued support from local and state governments is vital to sustain the program’s operations and ensure its continued success in addressing homelessness effectively.


The rapid rehousing program implemented by Seattle’s Executive Pacific Hotel has made a positive impact on homeless individuals and families in the city. By providing temporary shelter, support services, and connections to stable housing options, the program has helped individuals overcome homelessness and achieve housing stability. Ongoing efforts and collaborations with advocacy organizations and local housing institutions are vital to address the complex issue of homelessness effectively and improve the lives of individuals in need.