How Often Is It Cloudy In Seattle?

Welcome to the fascinating world of Seattle weather! In this article, we will explore the frequency of cloudy days in the beautiful city of Seattle. Have you ever wondered just how often those gray skies linger over the Emerald City? Let’s dive in and uncover the truth about Seattle’s cloudy reputation. How often is it cloudy in Seattle?

If you’ve ever heard anything about Seattle, you probably know that the city is notorious for its cloudy weather. But just how often is it actually cloudy in Seattle? In this article, we’ll dive into the data to give you a better understanding of Seattle’s cloudy reputation.

Understanding Seattle’s Weather Patterns

Seattle is located in the Pacific Northwest, which is known for its rainy and overcast weather. The city experiences a maritime climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and cool, dry summers. This unique climate is influenced by the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, which play a significant role in shaping the weather patterns in the region.

Factors that Contribute to Cloudy Weather in Seattle

Seattle’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean is one of the main factors that contribute to its cloudy weather. The city is often under the influence of marine air masses, which bring moisture and cloud cover from the ocean. Additionally, the Cascade Mountains to the east of the city act as a barrier, causing the moist air to rise and cool, resulting in cloud formation and precipitation.

If you’ve ever visited Seattle, you may have noticed that the city is often shrouded in a layer of low clouds known as “stratus clouds.” These clouds are common in the Pacific Northwest and can linger for days, sometimes giving the illusion of a perpetually gray sky.

Cloud Cover Statistics in Seattle

To get a better idea of how often it’s cloudy in Seattle, let’s take a look at some statistics on cloud cover in the city. The National Weather Service (NWS) collects data on cloud cover and reports it in terms of percentages. A clear sky would have a cloud cover of 0%, while a completely overcast sky would have a cloud cover of 100%.

Average Annual Cloud Cover in Seattle

According to the NWS, Seattle has an average annual cloud cover of around 67%. This means that, on average, about two-thirds of the sky is covered by clouds throughout the year. While this may sound like a lot, it’s important to note that cloud cover can vary significantly from day to day and season to season.

Seasonal Cloud Cover Patterns

Seattle experiences distinct seasonal variations in cloud cover. The city tends to be cloudier during the fall and winter months, when the influence of marine air masses is stronger. In contrast, the summer months typically see clearer skies and less cloud cover, especially during the “dry season” known as the Puget Sound Convergence Zone.

Monthly Cloud Cover Averages

To give you a better sense of how cloud cover varies throughout the year, here is a breakdown of the average cloud cover percentages for each month in Seattle:

Month Cloud Cover (%)
January 77%
February 73%
March 70%
April 65%
May 53%
June 41%
July 29%
August 33%
September 46%
October 63%
November 72%
December 76%

As you can see, Seattle experiences the highest cloud cover percentages during the winter months, particularly in January and December. The summer months, on the other hand, see significantly lower cloud cover percentages, with July and August being the clearest months on average.

Impact of Cloudy Weather on Seattle Residents

While the cloudy weather may be a defining characteristic of Seattle, it also has a significant impact on the daily lives of its residents. The lack of sunlight and prolonged periods of overcast skies can lead to mood changes, fatigue, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in some individuals.

Coping Strategies for Cloudy Weather

If you’re a Seattle resident or planning to visit the city, here are some tips for coping with the cloudy weather:

  1. Take advantage of outdoor activities on sunny days to soak up some vitamin D and boost your mood.
  2. Invest in a light therapy lamp to combat the effects of reduced sunlight exposure.
  3. Stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle to ward off feelings of lethargy and fatigue.
  4. Consider seeking professional help if you experience persistent feelings of sadness or depression related to the weather.

By being proactive and taking care of your mental and physical well-being, you can better navigate Seattle’s often cloudy climate and enjoy all that the city has to offer.


In conclusion, Seattle’s reputation for cloudy weather is well-deserved, with the city experiencing an average annual cloud cover of around 67%. The maritime climate, influenced by the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, plays a significant role in shaping the weather patterns in the region.

While the cloudy weather may pose challenges for some Seattle residents, there are strategies for coping with the lack of sunlight and its potential effects on mood and well-being. By understanding the factors that contribute to cloudy weather in Seattle and taking proactive steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can thrive in the Emerald City despite its gray skies. So, next time you find yourself under a layer of stratus clouds in Seattle, remember that brighter days are just around the corner.